About KhaosKai – Mangaka and Illustrator

Heartwarming stories of bittersweet sadness


My name is Kai and I’m an author, illustrator and musician.

To cut it down, I am a person who is dedicating his life to chase dreams and visions from another kind of reality. Even as a child, I somehow noticed that I see the world differently from the people around me, which had been a huge burden until I discovered art and music..

I was often looked down upon, bullied or harassed for being kinda different, for feeling differently. But I never even considered trying to fit it. It just didn’t feel right. So every day, I am taking all my time and effort to create stories, art and music that I faithfully believe in with all my dignity.

To be honest, it takes a lot of discipline to do all that.. having a schedule that allows 5 hours of sleep at max, working 7 days a week, never -ever- going on holidays.. I am taking all that to make this dream come true. All that to express a lost world that exists only in my vision, but I feel I have to direct it out there to be found by someone..

In my personal life I run a very small Animal Sanctuary and take care of elderly ponies and chicken.

Thank you sincerely everyone who wants to support me!

Official stats and works:

Starting the career as mangaka and freelance illustrator, his works have been published in Japan, USA, Germany and France. His art combines dark and visual kei asthethics with mythical, longing themes.
While he was active as a model from 2007-2009 for japanese fashion brands, he focused on drawing manga from then on. The sceneries range from fantasy to the realistic settings with psychological elements.
In 2012 he illustrated the book 守護天使占い図鑑 あなたを幸福に導く天使たちからのメッセージ (Guardian angel fortune telling book – messages from angels that lead you to happiness ~) alongside with the japanese Manga-ka Kaori Yuki for the famous japanese fortune teller Yuki Moira.
His Manga-shortstory “空般 伝説“ won the award 2nd price of MIRACLE JUMP magazine.

Last but not least, he refers to himself as a pirate captain and has gathered a very loyal crew of people who call this strong bond ‘KHIRATES’.